Dim average As Single ' this makes the "average" variable. Dim total As Single ' this makes your "total" variable. Dim number1 As Single ' this makes "your first numbers" variable. Dim number2 As Single ' this makes "your second numbers" variable. Dim number3 As Single ' this makes "your third numbers" variable. number1 = InputBox("What's the first number?") ' this asks for your first number. number2 = InputBox("What's the second number?") ' this asks for your second number. number3 = InputBox("What's the third number?") ' this asks for your third number. total = number1 + number2 + number3 ' this calculates your total number by adding all three numbers together. average = total / 3 ' this calculates your average by diving your total number by 3 MsgBox("your average is: " & average) ' this displays "your average is:" *and then your average number